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Welcome is the place where various artists who use mixedmedia techniques and not only present their products for sale.

The place where you find unique objects, created handmade to embellish the home of art-loving people.


Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 18:30

About site

Mixedmedia handmade is where he presents his products for sale to various artists who use mixedmedia techniques and not only.

The place where you find unique objects, created handmade to embellish the home of art-loving people.

Description of the product categories available in the platform :

Paintings - A lot of colors and skates, carefully chosen materials, all these blend in a perfect harmony for a plus style of your home.
Boxes - Wood cots, decorated and handmade, which are distinguished by elegance, created especially for ladies with style.
Bottles - Bottles and glass objects, decorated with different techniques and different styles, handmade for the visual delight of each of you.
Photo frames - Painted or hand-painted frames, with different techniques, specially designed to keep your memories and loved ones alive.
Watches - A trivial watch can get another look, if it is done with passion and style. We invite you to give a special air to the walls of your home.
Others - Various objects with and story, whose originality comes from the richness of the ornaments and the passion with which they are created.
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