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Welcome is the place where various artists who use mixedmedia techniques and not only present their products for sale.

The place where you find unique objects, created handmade to embellish the home of art-loving people.


Monday to Friday: 09:00 to 18:30

Delivery and return


The items are shipped to the address indicated when submitting the order. The delivery of the items is done through Curier, in a parcel with a refund of about 5 business days - depending on the stock of products or pre-order. Delivery time varies depending on availability of items.
Delivery delays can not be prevented in case of force majeure.


If you're unsatisfied with the products you bought from and you want to abandon the purchase and, implicitly, get your money back, you can apply for the return of the products in maximum 10 working days, according to the provisions of the Government Ordinance no.130 / 2000 on the protection of consumers in the conclusion and execution of distance contracts.

The 10-day period provided for the exercise of this right begins to run:
a) for products from the date of receipt by the consumer;
b) for services, on the day of the conclusion of the contract;

By distance contract is meant the contract for the supply of goods or services concluded between a trader and a consumer, within a sales system organized by the trader, which exclusively uses, before and at the conclusion of this contract, one or more techniques of distance communication.

The 10-day return right is only for customers who have purchased online products from the site
The client has the right to unilaterally terminate the distance contract, within 10 business days, without penalties and without invoking any reason. According to Ordinance no. 130/2000, the consumer is responsible for paying the expenses related to the return of the goods to the merchant. The denial of purchase right does not apply to legal persons. Repayment of the sums shall be made within 30 days from the date of termination of the contract by the consumer.

According to the provisions of Ordinance no. 130/2000, the consumer can not unilaterally denounce the following types of contracts, except where the parties (consumer and trader) have agreed otherwise:
a) service contracts whose execution started, with the consumer's consent, before the expiry of the 10-day working day;
b) supply contracts for products or services whose price depends on fluctuations in financial market rates that can not be controlled by the trader;
c) contracts for the supply of goods made to the consumer's specifications or distinctly personalized products, as well as those which, by their nature, can not be returned or are likely to degrade or deteriorate rapidly;
d) contracts for the provision of audio, video or computer programs, if these records or software have been unsealed by the consumer;
e) contracts for the supply of newspapers, periodicals, magazines;
f) betting or lottery service contracts;

For any details or concerns about returning the products please contact us by email or one of the phone numbers displayed on

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