Dimensiuni: 32*23*6 cm
Materiale: pasta de structura, culori acrilice, lac final.
Toate lucrarile realizate sunt unice si nu pot fi reproduse decat partial. La cerere se pot realiza lucrari asemanatoare, dar niciodata identice. is the place where various artists who use mixedmedia techniques and not only present their products for sale.
The place where you find unique objects, created handmade to embellish the home of art-loving people.
O cutie realizata special pentru pastrarea diplomelor micutelor balerine. Peste ani, performantele copilului dvs. vor fi pastrate in siguranta.
Out of stock - If you want this product please contact us to find a solution together. We remind you that all products made are unique and can only be reproduced in part. Upon request, similar, but never identical works can be done.
Dimensiuni: 32*23*6 cm
Materiale: pasta de structura, culori acrilice, lac final.
Toate lucrarile realizate sunt unice si nu pot fi reproduse decat partial. La cerere se pot realiza lucrari asemanatoare, dar niciodata identice.
Hi, I am Iuliana Mihalache, wife and mother of two girls with cuckoos and recently, we have experienced the technique mixed media, which immediately became my new fascination and hobby.
"The artist makes, in fact, toys for big men."
by Constantin Brancusi
I love playing and experimenting with the various objects I find through the house from buttons, screws and nuts to flowers and shells. Through the art of cutting and the assembly, each object finds its place on a canvas, box, journal or bottle, thus creating unique pieces, and they can never be reproduced identically.
Most of the created paintings are in Shabby Chic style, characterized by many ornaments, decorative elements of wood, textiles, flowers.
For lovers of art & craft this site is the place where collage, drawing and painting meet, a redefinition of how you look at art.
"Art is the expression of man's joy in work."
by Henry Kissinger
Contacts: 0723299614 ,
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